Cuphead Opens The Door For Indie Game Developers To Take Risks

Cuphead Opens The Door For Indie Game Developers To Take Risks

With Cuphead being released last week and the success it has been having look for more Indie game developers to start taking bigger and better risks with future game development. Now we all waited patiently for Cuphead to be released and it took about 3 years for the game to be completed, but if you have read my review recently it totally paid off. Studio MDHR took a huge risk with this game, hand drawn elements, switching its original vision to accommodate what fans wanted in the finished product. Cuphead is a masterpiece in my opinion and hope it’s success sparks other Indie developers to take notice and take bigger risks. I have always enjoyed Indie games especially the series from Playdead Studios with Limbo and Inside. Indie games to me are bringing back the couch co-op with friends and that is what my childhood was all about. Calling over friends to try to beat Contra in a night or when the N64 came out we had 4-player Mario Kart and Goldeneye battles that would keep us up until 5am. Indie developers now are starting to implement that feeling back into games and actually have been for a little while now. Cuphead ofcourse is a two player game, TowerFall Ascension and Nidhogg are some other fantastic couch co-op games. Rocket League took everyone by surprise and is absolutely amazing to play. The list goes on and on for all platforms. Over the last few months I have often caught myself playing strictly Indie titles. With a lot of PC titles hitting consoles as well it has been a fun journey playing a lot of these games. The Culling is one that I really got into over the last few months and very soon we will be playing another huge title in PUBG(PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds). Friday The 13th is a fantastic game to play, although it’s not a couch co-op game playing this online with friends is such a fun experience. Maybe that’s just it, has gaming lost its excitement of bringing friends to play together like the old days?. I mean more seasoned gamers can relate to this because I grew up with the only multiplayer being me playing with my brother or friends when they came over.  Indie games are starting to bring that excitement back and it’s fantastic for the industry. Now I don’t want to only see Indie games being released we still need to see our AAA titles as well but on the most case some Indie titles are AAA titles in my eyes( Cuphead, Inside, Limbo) if you look at the big picture. A mix of both is what we all need and is great for the industry. The little guys will push the bigger studios to stop pumping out unfinished games and focus on the gameplay and fun aspect of why we love to game. When I look at buying games whether they are $29.99 or $79.99 I want to have fun, I want to enjoy gaming with friends or even on my own all at the same time. Price doesn’t matter, we will pay top dollar for fantastic games, Indie or AAA. With new consoles and game developers pushing boundaries this is a great time to be a gamer. Indie teams pumping fantastic titles and at a cheaper price than most AAA titles has helped them succeed as well. Look for more Indie studios to start developing fantastic games and the excitement of bringing you back to your childhood gaming nights. Couch co-op is making a come back and with Cuphead being a huge success so far watch as new studios will push their teams to produce mind-blowing titles for gamers to enjoy. Cheers Folks!
About author

James Gravalos

I have been a gamer all my life and sharing my insights and opinions on the industry I love the most is something I am very passionate about. Old school gamer at heart but can't wait for what the future of gaming will evolve into. Cheers Folks!

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