Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 & 2 Review

Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 & 2 Review

Rock Man, Mega Man, Mega Man X, it doesn’t matter what you call it. When you hear these names we all think of the blue blaster, running through levels, killing bad guys, getting body armour, and defending the world against the evil of the world. With the release of Mega Man X Legacy collection 1 & 2 you can bring back the memories of when you played them on Super Nintendo, and PlayStation. With many options, for the game, you can buy just the first 4, or the last 4, or both in one package. Each disk has the 4 games and the challenge mode for the bosses in those games. There’s different options for how you want the game to look. Adding a boarder so that the game is smaller on your screen, and even changing the pixels to make the game look the way it did back in the 90’s. The games are the exact same play to the originals, so there is no confusion, and still the same weapons to use on the bosses to kill them quicker. I’m a collector, so I get all the heart tanks, power supplies, and armour, that’s including the hyduken, which just kills any enemy in one blast! The challenge mode is a great way to see your skills in action. Two bosses at the same time, both causing so much havoc on the screen. I’ll be honest, I used just the blaster (you can add powers if you want) but tacking two ice bosses is one hell of a task to do. I did it mainly for the achievement to beat two bosses with just a blaster. When you beat that, you can move onto the next stage if you wish, with the same amount of health (mine was almost empty) and you can change the powers as well. There is a 10 minute timer for each level, and when you die all health does reset… except for the timer itself, that stays at the time for when you died. So if you’re into the old school feel, and want this collection, I say to get it!   Questions? Leave a comment!   Cheers everyone!
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Just a normal guy who enjoys life, games, and food!

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