Mega Man, Zero, or Axl?

Mega Man, Zero, or Axl?

For 30 years Mega Man has blessed us over many consoles and lots of different versions. From the normal Mega Man series to Mega Man X, and also into the RPG realm with Mega Man Legends. I’m sure that every gamer has played at least one of the games, even if it was just to battle one of Dr. Wily’s or Sigma’s evil robots, yet always had some weakness to one of his other robots weapons. Trying to find the first weakest robot was always the hardest. Well Nintendo has made me one of the happiest guys in the world by announcing Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 & 2! I own a few of the games still on my Xbox, PSP, and when it was popular, the Wii. When the Mega Man X series launched on the Super Nintendo, I jumped all over it. Collecting the Armour, heart tanks, and weapon tanks. Through out the years more and more versions came out. Finally landing on the PlayStation which was never a bad thing! With the introduction of different playable characters, it gave the game so many more options! Now I don’t know about you but I was all about playing as Zero. I didn’t have any complaints about X or even Axl when he joined the team. But when it came to the white and red, and a saber… I was slicing and dicing!! Slotted to come out on July 24th, 2018 for most counsels. So I will be aiming to be a perfectionist, especially when it comes to getting the achievements. Unless one of them is make it through a level without taking damage! That might not happen in my case since I like to destroy everything! The added bonus of this collection is “Challenge mode”. Two Bosses at once! I say BRING IT ON!! Let me know what character is your favorite to use, and which version of Mega Man you played the most.   Cheers everyone, happy gaming!
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Just a normal guy who enjoys life, games, and food!

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