Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Review

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Review

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away. EA had gamers drooling at E3 when the Battlefront 2 trailer dropped. With promises of free dlc and all the bells and whistles, I myself pre-ordered a personal copy after E3. Everything was perfect. then EA announces loot boxes and micro-transactions. Gamers were outraged,taking to Reddit and other social media to the point of EA suspending micro-transactions until a later date. For now, I think the game is good besides all the drama. Keep in mind that this was just released and there’s no dlc yet. It can feel kinda empty. Returning players from the first battlefront, don’t forget to tweak controls for flight, vehicles and on foot. Just like the Battlefield franchise. Unlike the first Battlefront, Battlefront 2 has an all new campaign. You Play as Iden Versio. A commander of the Inferno squad for the empire. The campaign starts with her captured by the rebels. Eventually leading to a daring escape. The campaign isn’t very long at all. Only 13 missions long and each mission can be beaten in 20-30mins or less.  You don’t only control Iden and a few storm troopers though. You’ll fly her Tie Fighter, drive an AT-ST, and an AT-AT.  Players will also get a mission with heroes as well. Luke Skywalker has his own mission. Han Solo and his Millennium Falcon mission was really fun too . there’s lots of action packed into these little missions. Put together in such a way that feels like classic Star Wars. This story takes place shortly after the return of the Jedi in the movie series. Players will see cameo’s and easter eggs from the films all over this campaign.  The cut scenes are some of the best I have seen in a long time. The facial expressions and voice acting looked great. Aside from the campaign there’s other single player or couch coop to offer. Arcade mode lets you solo or team up in 2 player action with different Battle scenarios. Rebels and the dark side each have 8 scenarios. Each with 3 stars to earn. Arcade mode allows you to play versus as well and make your own custom team battle. Now, as for multiplayer, here’s where this game feels empty. As far as Star Wars games go, this game looks the best. It plays great. But coming from battlefront 1 with all dlc released and all the modes it finished with (season pass is free too). Battlefront 2 only has 5 modes online. Galactic Assault is your main mode, allowing 40 player combat with troopers, heroes, vehicles and hero vehicles. Starfighter assault is 24 players battles but strictly space battles. Space Battles are one of the best things to witness in this game. Then you got Heroes vs Villains 4v4 battles. The other 2 modes are passable. Strike 16 player objective based scenarios. and blast 20 players TDM. No matter what the mode, the mechanics are the same across each. Every spawn as you play you will earn credits based on your progression. You get killstreaks and objective points, you earn more credits. In between each spawn. you’ll be able purchase special troopers, heroes, and vehicles. There are also credits you collect after each match and those credits are for unlocking heroes in your collection, or spending them on loot boxes… Each Trooper, Hero, and starfighter all have 3 star card slots. Star Cards grants extra boosts and abilities. Abilities being things like jet pack, thermal detonator, and personal shield. Boosts gives you additional benefits to your abilities. Jet pack flys 10% farther, cooldowns 20% shorter stuff like that. There are 4 tiers of cards. Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Epic. Epics can only be earned through gameplay. The rest can be either in gameplay, loot boxes, or even crafted. The more you play and progress, you will unlock higher tiers of star cards. Oh ya, almost forgot, WTF is with the reloads? you shoot your blaster and your heat bar will fill up. But when you stop shooting, your heat will remain at the same level until you hit “reload”? Bad decision there. Loading times are ridiculously long. The rewards system sucks as well. Like I said before, it’s still early for this game. It has a big window to release dlc and a movie coming out in December.  Gamers can ask for this one for Xmas orr just wait for some dlc. If you desperately need a Star Wars game Battlefront 1 will do just fine for the price. Battlefront 2 is available for PS4 and Xbox One.
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I can play games for hours. Cheekz77 is my Gamertag across all accounts. Xbox, PS4, Steam. I play all genres of games. mainstream games, exclusives and indies. I wont shy away from pixels. Needs competition? or Coop partner? Give me a shout.

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