10 Things Every Pokemon Go Player Should Know By Now

10 Things Every Pokemon Go Player Should Know By Now

Hey guys, most of the world is consumed with Pokemon GO, and for those that haven’t jumped on the bandwagon just yet…..you must be living under a goddamn rock! Here are 10 things every player should know by now [IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER]:

10. How To Control EEVEE Evolutions

eevee As you may know Eevee has 3 possible evolutions Vaporeon, Flareon, and Jolteon. Can’t seems to get the one you want? Just change Eevees name and voila you got your pick of the litter! The names are based on the trainers which used each corresponding evolution in the Pokemon TV show. Below are the corresponding names.

Jolteon = Sparky Flareon = Pyro Vaporeon = Rainer

9. IV Calculator

iv-calculator Ever wonder why is it that when you evolve two of the same Pokemon their CP is never quite the same even if they are at the same level? Well its because of the algorithm that Pokemon Go uses for base Pokemon to evolution. Each Pokemon you catch has a percentage of maximum power based off it’s stats. So what does that mean for you? Well it’s the difference of having a bomb ass Gyarados and one that is only half as strong as it could be. Pokeassistant.com has created a calculator to determine the IV of your Pokemon before you evolve them to ensure you are getting the best bang for your buck, that is, if you are looking to own only the most powerful version of your evolved Pokemon.

You can check out the IV Calculator HERE


8. You will never be able to catch them all

mime That is, unless you plan on travelling the world to find them! There are a few Pokemon that are only available in certain countries around the world. Perhaps your vacations will be based on these, in which case sure you CAN catch them all. But for the rest of us……we can only dream of a Kangaskhan, or Mr.Mime.

Mr. Mime – Europe Tauros – North America Kangaskhan – Australia Farfetch’d – Asia


7. Pikachu I Choose You!

pickachu When you begin a new game, you are not limited to choosing one of the 3 starter Pokemon that are presented to you. If you decide you want to start off with pikachu [which makes no difference at all] all you have to do is walk a way and return 4-5 times and viola Pikachu will spawn you can catch him and use him as your very first Pokemon.  

6. How gyms work

gym Want to buy stuff from the store but are too cheap to use real money? NO PROBLEM! go take over gyms and collect Poke Coins, for every gym you hold you can redeem 10 coins. You can then go into the store click the top right hand corner and collect your coins. The more gyms you own, the more coins you get to claim. Just be strategic about it because you can only claim coins once a day!  

5. You’re all a bunch of cheaters

cheat So you love Pokemon Go but don’t want to leave your house, ok well most of the resources have recently been removed and cheating is becoming harder and harder….BUT WHERE THERE IS A WILL THERE IS A WAY! IOS users are able to spoof their location using Xcode and a mac in order to go anywhere in the world to catch anything you want. As of writing this, it is still working! But beware as getting caught will get you BANNED [so we don’t recommend it]  

4. Pidgey, Caterpie, Weedles are your friends!


We know it’s annoying when all you seem to have around you are these 3 miscreants, but there is an upside to them! Want to level up fast and efficiently? Catch and keep all three every chance you get. once you have amassed enough, go ahead and pop that lucky egg and you’ll be getting 1,000 XP every time you evolve one. Making it nice and easy to get hundreds of thousand XP if you are willing to put some time into catching enough of them. Now get out there and start levelling!

3. Don’t waste that precious Stardust!


It’s so tempting to start boosting up your Pokemon for battle especially when you hit level 5 and you’re ready to start taking on Gyms in your area. But Stardust can be hard to come by and wasting it on Pokemon that might not be the strongest you can have is a bit of a waste. Use the IV calculator to determine which Pokemon will have max CP then go nuts and power up and start your army!

2. Keep an eye out for the strongest Pokemon


sadly not every Pokemon can be the strongest and as such we have found out currently what AVAILABLE Pokemon are the strongest and that you should be focusing your efforts in catching. This list below includes only Pokemon that are currently available and sorted by highest possible CP at level 40 [which is the current game cap] and does not include legendary Pokemon which as of right now you can only get from special events or Niantic gifting it to you for absolutely no reason.

1. Dragonite 2. Snorlax 3. Lapras 4. Arcanine 5. Blastoise 6. Executor 7. Vaporeon 8. Gyarados 9. Slowbro 10. Venusaur


1. Don’t want to walk? DRIVE!


Hatching eggs is probably the best way to get High IV Pokemon and as such requires 2k-10k worth of walking depending on the egg you are currently incubating. luckily you don’t have to walk, if you are stuck in traffic, just pop open your app and let it run! As long as you keep your speed to below 25 km/h it should count toward the distance needed to hatch the egg.

NOTE: Don’t drive and Pokemon – there have been many stories of distracted people doing stupid things, DON’T BE ONE OF THEM!

About author


Playstation gamer primarily. FIFA fanatic all day every day! Care for a challenge? PSN-SgtLoki

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