12 Minutes Hands on Demo

12 Minutes Hands on Demo

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ2vsnapBhU[/embedyt] E3 is an exciting time for gamers. So many games trailers and teasers that set the internet on fire. Hardware companies come out and show off new products and Indie devs get to show off new games. Specifically a game called 12 minutes. I was actually able to sit with the Director/Creator Luis Antonio and talk to him about this project that was an idea he had about 6 years ago. Luis Antonio is a former artist from Rockstar Games and Ubisoft who left these companies to pursue independent game development.  In 12 Minutes you play as a husband who comes home from work to his wife in a small apartment.  After a brief interaction and dialogue that you can choose you both have dessert and your wife reveals that she is pregnant. As the night plays out there is a knock at the door that interrupts them. It’s the police, but as you open the door a man dressed in black approaches the husband and wife and accuses her of murdering her father 12 years ago. The police man also demands she hand over a pocket watch that’s evidence in the case. This is confusing to the both of you and as you resist, the man handcuffs you and your wife and interrogates you until he beats you to death. Only to wake up back at the front door just arriving home from work. The player is now in the time loop. You have 12 minutes of real-time to find out the mystery from the previous time loop. The husband will carry over all knowledge discovered in previous loops, allowing discovery of items around the apartment and different scenes of dialogue to question the wife about her past and the police man who approaches every night.   The press demo was about 30 minutes in length and we got to experience a few time loops. The game did not have voice acting finished yet so we played with subtitles but the thrilling atmosphere was still there. The animations were not all complete but the demo still looks great. 12 Minutes is a top down perspective point and click adventure/puzzle game. While the time loops only last 12 minutes, the game takes about 6-8 hours to complete. Aimed to release sometime in 2020 on Xbox one, PC(Microsoft store), and Steam. I cant wait to see how this game looks in its final stage. you can find more information about Luis Antonio’s story on his websites for the game. http://twelveminutesgame.com/  
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I can play games for hours. Cheekz77 is my Gamertag across all accounts. Xbox, PS4, Steam. I play all genres of games. mainstream games, exclusives and indies. I wont shy away from pixels. Needs competition? or Coop partner? Give me a shout.

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