Back to Basics. Battlefield 1 Review.

Back to Basics. Battlefield 1 Review.

Another year, another Battlefield? That is usually not the case but EA has been trying different methods to bring down the Call of Duty franchise and this year they have successfully done that. I will say this right off the bat that Battlefield 1 is one of the best first person shooters ever released on any console/PC. DICE has outdone themselves with this amazing shooter. Read more to find out why Battlefield 1 just might be Game of the Year 2016.
Excellent story mode this time around.

Excellent story mode this time around.

GRAPHICS Let us start with the best thing about the game. Drop Dead Gorgeous! Dice’s Frostbite engine has always been beautiful and this time around they have nailed every single part of the game. From guns, to weather effects to iron sights to dust from a sandstorm. I have at times stood still gawking over the graphics of the game online, while a unworthy sniper shoots my head. I didn’t care as I enjoyed the kill animation, it was a Win/Win. One great thing about the graphics of Battlefield 1 is that multiplayer looks just as pretty as single player. The game runs at buttery smooth 60 frames per second and although Xbox One gets 720p and PS4 gets 900p once again, it is still a beautiful – stunning game.
Beautiful game, from one end to another.

Beautiful game, from one end to another.

STORY After a very long time Battlefield has worked hard on its story. In my opinion, Bad Company still stays on top when it comes to good storytelling but BF1 gets into the gritty side of World War 1. War is ugly and there is nothing glamorous about it and BF1 reminds us that every single step of the way. The story unfolds like previous World War shooters with different tales through the eyes brave soldiers. It is done very well, with excellent voice over and surprising character developments.  The one thing about BF1 that fans were scared of have been fixed this time around which makes it a near perfect game.
This is war. As close as you will ever get.

This is war. As close as you will ever get.

SOUND This has always been perfect and now it is beyond perfect. BF1 sound design is flawless and I believe it’ll win countless awards again this year for best Sound Design. If you have surround sound, you are in for an amazing treat. Soundgasam is what you will be receiving when you play this game. Every rifle sounds different, plus of course as mentioned earlier, the voice over are done amazingly. Authentic screams and shout outs during multiplayer adds the overall effect. It is just better than ever.
Authenticity is insane.

Authenticity is insane.

GAMEPLAY The game play for Battlefield 1 is so real and well done that each and every FPS that will be released in the future will be compared to it. Yes, Halo is wow and yes Call of Duty is this and that but Battlefield really puts you in war and makes you feel how a soldier may have felt. The game play is also fluid, all thanks to the goodness of 60 frames.
The best multiplayer gets better and more real.

The best multiplayer gets better and more real.

MULTIPLAYER No perks, no kill streaks, no nothing. This is real, this is how it happened back in World War 1. This is good and this is mind blowing. Although it can improve in some areas, but do not get me wrong, it is amazing and excellent piece of work. I would still like to have more than 5 players in one squad. Kind of limits the game when playing with 10 friends. This game supports 64 players so they really should increase the squad number. Also you still can’t create your classes outside the multiplayer game. I don’t understand why DICE chooses to be difficult in this area. Apart from these minor problems, the multiplayer is once again flawless.
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Video Games Fanatic. I bleed polygons, that is all you need to know.

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