Celebrating Twenty Years of Xbox

Celebrating Twenty Years of Xbox


Last Thursday, officials at Xbox announced that they would be celebrating their 20th anniversary., commemorating the first console launch in North America.

In 2001, fans met Master Chief and Cortana for the first time and were taken on quite the journey. However, playing on Xbox meant hooking up your console using composite video cables to a CRT TV, as well as pre-ordering games and standing in line at your favourite retail store to pick them up and playing games by yourself or at a friend’s house-sitting next to them (seems like forever ago when we could be in the same room with other people).

Twenty years has brought a lot of tremendous change, and that in and of itself requires celebration.

For more details on planned celebrations, keep an eye on xbox.com/20Years and check out the Xbox Wire post linked here.

For more NXL News, check out The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD Releasing Alongside New Amiibo

About author

Nick Mammoliti

I enjoy long walks on the beach, followed by copious hours spent inside avoiding the sunlight. All kidding aside, as a creative person I am constantly on the lookout for an experience when I play games. I have been gaming since I could form memories and I have a preference for games with a good narrative. That being the case, Writers Mind in Halo: Reach holds a special place in my heart.

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