Chrono Trigger Fixed?

Chrono Trigger Fixed?

For a guy my age I was raised on playing games like Chrono Trigger, and most RPG’s at the time. I was pumped when I found out that I could download it on my PSP and play it while watching TV. When I heard it was coming to steam, I got excited all over again! But, after waiting for the release date so that I can get the limited edition… I was met with some unpleasant news. Recently Chrono Trigger was released. Many people were excited…. Only to be let down as well. Unfortunately it was only a port of the mobile version, which is what fans were not hoping for. They wanted HD and new animated scenes, watching their favorite characters in action and taking down the bad guys! The game got many negative reviews and players warned other members to not waste money or time downloading it. Some reports consist of using the mobile UI, unreadable fonts, and new bugs/ glitches that were not in the previous versions of the game. Fortunately, for fans, Square Enix has taken it upon the fans words to help fix these problems in a prompt manner. They will be releasing a number of patches to fix all the problems they have currently had about the game. The below statement was pulled off the steam website addressed to the Chrono Trigger players.

Steam fixes

Being able to switch between the original version and the new high-resolution is a great option for fans to play they game they loved back in the 32-bit era. I think it’s amazing that Square Enix is listening to their fans and trying to fix it as soon as they can (Even though it may be a few months). Fan feedback is a wonderful thing, and I am glad that there is companies out there that listen. Let me hear your feedback. Is there anything that I should cover that you want to hear about? I’m always glad to hear from the fans.
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Just a normal guy who enjoys life, games, and food!

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