Classic Console Showdown

Classic Console Showdown

Until Nintendo released the first NES Mini Classic console we had only seen cheap knock offs or relived our childhood gaming glory days through emulators. Of course trying to get your hands on the first official Nintendo Mini NES was like trying to get your 2-year-old to brush their teeth and that is damn near impossible. Fast forward another year and after the huge success of the NES Classic console Nintendo decided to release the SNES Classic console. Money makes the world go round and why not cash in with these mini consoles appealing to us “older” gamers. Don’t get me wrong I think this is a great concept but I would have liked to have seen a bigger games line up from both consoles which would have made the price point to purchase more appealing. What was to stop me from getting an emulator and just playing the 1000s of retro games I could download within minutes? Well I think just the pure nostalgic offering that Nintendo provided us and that is why I own both!     I personally only thought Nintendo would be the driving force behind the mini consoles going forward but with the recent news of Sony jumping on the cash camel of the classic console craze I was actually shocked that they would be doing this…. well not really because how much money this Sony PlayStation Mini Console will bring in. OK I am not too impressed with the PlayStation Classic for a few reasons. 1 the price tag is out to lunch and its only packed with 20 games. We don’t even know the full lineup of games that are included but of course there is a lot of speculation and fan requests for which games should be in here. Regardless of the price and the games included the mini console will sell very well but could it be up against some serious classic console competition?   With recent news of a classic Nintendo 64 surfacing does the PlayStation even have a chance this holiday season to compete against in my opinion one of the best Nintendo Consoles to exist!. Personally I don’t think so because solely based on the games lineup and the memories of couch co-op battles you had with friends playing Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye and Mario Party and how we all want to relive those glory days. Those three titles alone could be on the Nintendo 64 Classic console and I would buy still buy it!  It would be interesting to see these two mini consoles battle it out this holiday season and see who comes out on top. My money is on the Nintendo 64 classic console if Nintendo decides to release it this year. Here is hoping we can see these two powerhouses battle it out. what do you think? Who will win!   [wpdevart_poll id=”3″ theme=”0″]
About author

James Gravalos

I have been a gamer all my life and sharing my insights and opinions on the industry I love the most is something I am very passionate about. Old school gamer at heart but can't wait for what the future of gaming will evolve into. Cheers Folks!

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