D&D: Dark Alliance Unveils Gameplay Trailer

D&D: Dark Alliance Unveils Gameplay Trailer


In advance of the launch of D&D: Dark Alliance on June 22nd, potential players can take a look at the detailed gameplay trailer released last Thursday.  

The game will feature 4 main characters—who some will recognize if they are familiar with Forgotten Realms lore—and will take place in the Icewind Dale region. The gameplay seems similar to hack and slash combat with access to combos. In addition, D&D: Dark Alliance will feature a loot system to give players the option to customize their characters with better gear as the game progresses.  

An interesting point of note is that the marketing specifically boasts that there will be no microtransactions, something of an anomaly in the industry today.  The best way to earn gear and loot is to play the game, either solo or with friends.

Check out the gameplay trailer yourself here.

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Nick Mammoliti

I enjoy long walks on the beach, followed by copious hours spent inside avoiding the sunlight. All kidding aside, as a creative person I am constantly on the lookout for an experience when I play games. I have been gaming since I could form memories and I have a preference for games with a good narrative. That being the case, Writers Mind in Halo: Reach holds a special place in my heart.

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