Fallout 4 Nuka-World Review

Fallout 4 Nuka-World Review

Any open world rpg gamer should know about the 4.7 gb add-on for Fallout 4. Nuka World is now open for business. It mostly doesn’t have power so guess what one of the quests will be. Taking the mono rail through the desert gives you a perspective on how big this theme park is. Once departing the train you’ll be forced down a gauntlet, watch your step. Many traps and turrets are hidden quite well. After a few stim packs if your ninja skills aren’t up to snuff, you will be forced into a cage match with the overseer of the park! Defeating this electro powered armour wearing goliath requires a squirt gun. That’s right, looks like the red alien blaster from fallout 3. Except it’s pathetic and shoots water. After using basic common sense of adding water to electricity you become the overseer of the park. The park looks as is if the maintenance crew went on strike, a few decades ago. Those travelling strip mall carnivals look safe now. Four seperate gangs have been brought to a delicate peace treaty before you took over. You get to decide which gang takes over what part of the park. That may require you making it safe for the gangs to inhabit. index New types of Nuka Cola can be found throughout the park. In addition Nuka Cola mixing stations have been introduced allowing for many new combinations to be created. Shiny metallic power armour is showcased inside the power station for the park. You need to find 35 star cores to fully power up Nuka World and be able to lift the giant glass case locking away the power armour. I highly recommend looking up the locations online for the star cores. A few of them would be extremely hard to find if you don’t seek help. I’m about 10 hours into this add on and still having fun.  The storyline so far is on par with the rest of fallouts stories. Odd characters that seem to all have some sort of mental issue or cult like hierarchy. Quantum Cola irradiated mirelurks have also been marinating for a while. They are only slightly more annoying than previous evolutions. 10 hours in I give this add on 8.5 out of eleventy four. Rating may go up or down as the adventure continues. [embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIneiOpuS2M[/embedyt]
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I can play games for hours. Cheekz77 is my Gamertag across all accounts. Xbox, PS4, Steam. I play all genres of games. mainstream games, exclusives and indies. I wont shy away from pixels. Needs competition? or Coop partner? Give me a shout.

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