Fear the Wolves Review

Fear the Wolves Review

So another survival game has come out! Fear the wolves is a typical free for all fighting game, which does seem to mirror PUBG. Drop into a map by plane, collect weapons and medical supplies and kill anything that moves. This game does have wolves in the map, which is you get to close, they do howl, and give away your position, plus you will need to kill them since they will attack. The wolves, and winning methods are just the only real difference that I found. Two options are how you can win, either kill everyone, or escape by the emergency helicopter which comes in towards the 10 minute mark of the game. A red smoke field covers the ground and the only way to see through is either snipe from a higher level and shoot the other players, or go into the smoke ring itself. While the person is trying to escape they can shoot back, but everyone on the ground can shoot at whoever is on the rope escaping. I honestly like these kind of games but this does seem to be along the lines of PUBG that I’d rather just play PUBG with my friends and be strategic, as for this game (even in beta) is only solo. If you’re up for a challenge, then go with this game and you will have a blast! They really did an awesome job on the scenery and the building details.   I’ve included a video of some of my game play, and watching other survivors until the end! Keep gaming everyone!
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Just a normal guy who enjoys life, games, and food!

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