God Of War Review

God Of War Review

Santa Monica Studios introduced God of war in 2005, the story of Kratos was born and I was instantly hooked. A promising Spartan warrior with an army who served the Olympian Gods for 10 years. When finally facing annihilation, The Spartan (Kratos) prays to Aries to save him and his army and ends up ultimately defeating his enemies, But at a cost. His God fuelled blood lust eventually leads him to kill his own family. With their bodies burned, the remaining ash stains his skin forever becoming the Ghost of Sparta. Athena lends Kratos a much-needed hand and helps him find Pandora’s Box to unleash its power so that Kratos can kill Aries and become the God of War. With Kratos gaining immortality, he is cursed with nightmares of the night he murdered his family. This was the origin of Kratos. A story strongly based in greek mythology and a very successful franchise for many years after.  A lot has changed from the 2005 original release.  5 games and remasters later on ps3 and ps4 with the latest installment bringing a powerful story that you won’t be disappointed in.   In the highly anticipated new installment Kratos has entered a Norse Mythology. With stories of Thor and Odin, there is a lot of  references in this game from the Norse Mythology which steers clear of recent story lines from previous titles. At this part of the story Kratos has started a new family with a wife and son and is pretty much keeping a low profile tyring to live a stress free life maybe, who knows? Faye (wife to Kratos and mother to Atreus) falls ill and passes away in the very first moment of the game. Her final wish is to have her ashes spread over the tallest mountain in their realm. While Atreus is still young and Kratos grieving he is unsure if they are ready for the journey ahead. Being a God of War, Kratos can’t go unnoticed forever. Mystic creatures and enemies have taken notice to Kratos coming into their realm. The scale of enemies in God of war is always a treat. From fighting pawns in the beginning to fighting giants with quick time events. It flows beautifully and will have your jaw drop from time to time with how amazing the OMG moments are in God Of War. Kratos has a new weapon in this game called the Leviathan Axe which is one of the greatest weapons showcased in a video game EVER! That feeling you get when you throw it and call it back the sound will always be in my mind. This axe has many magical powers. It can be applied with different elemental powers like frost and upgraded in the dwarven shops. The gear system in this game is all new to this series. Adding different runes to your axe adds different power moves to each attack. You find these runes in chests, completing puzzles and around the map. You will also come across different crafting materials of different rarity to upgrade and craft different pieces of armour. You can also socket gems for bonus attributes and add enchantments. There is also skill trees for more abilities for your axe, shield, and even upgrade Atreus in combat and his bow. As you complete different goals and objectives on your journey you earn XP which can be spent as well for more upgrades. Combat is all new as well. With the camera now fixed over Kratos’ shoulder, you have to watch your back a lot more. Good thing you can tell Atreus to shoot on command to help you gain the upper hand while multiple enemies attack. He’ll either shoot the target you lock on or you can also manually aim. Magic can be applied to the bow increasing damage. Some puzzles in the game require you to use magical arrows to build bridges. Some enemies the only way to kill them is with teamwork. It’s amazing how many different enemies are in this game. I love when you’re entering a new area and how seeing a new threat is introduced, and the sense of accomplishment when you brutally bring them down with a brutal cut scene kill cam that just makes you fist pump! Fighting with the axe in God of War is very satisfying. t Feels just like the first time I picked up the Blades of Chaos from the first God of war in 2005. The traditional light and heavy attacks with the options to change runic attacks lets you switch it up and change approaches in different battles. Kratos’ range attacks is an animation that never gets old. Whipping your axe at an enemy, sticking into them while you run in and pummel them is awesome! Best part is you can command your axe right back into your hand from anywhere. Gifts like these make you feel like a real god in the game. The axe not only helps you in combat it is also a key component in solving the different puzzles in the game   Santa Monica Studios delivers on all levels with God of War. This game is the best looking game I’ve ever seen in my life( Yes I just said that) The flow from action to cut scene in one take is breath-taking. Landscapes, to enemy design everything looks amazing. 4k support on PS Pro make the game just look glorious. These graphics alone will have you caught up just looking around different areas. Exploring is absolutely encouraged, not only for the view, but to find all the secret chests along the way. Something God of War does well is gives you the ability to free roam and search the realms for hidden areas. Watching Kratos and Atreus interactions together is one of a kind. A compelling story with heart touching moments between father and son. The voice acting and cut scene animation are great to watch. Single player games like this are a treat and Santa Monica Studios just wows you at ever turn. God of war is brilliant at immersing the player into the story. It is giving you a sense of actually caring for young Atreus’s well-being.  He’s a tough kid though and can handle his own most of the time. Boss battles and quick time events are as brutal as ever and you need his help from time to time. Everything in this game is just one “Oh my god” after another.   God of War is a great addition to the series even after you beat the campaign and there are a couple of areas worth exploring. Muspelheim, and Niflheim. In Muspelheim you can fight waves of enemies or mini boss battles in quick succession. it can be challenging at first as enemies can respawn if you take too long. The other area, Niflheim is a randomly generated area every time you travel there. One thing you can count on though is that it’s filled with poisonous gas. The area is a basic snatch and grab where you run around exploring and defeating enemies while collecting loot and escaping before you are killed by poison. Each area gives different rewards based on how well you do. God of War is by far the best Sony exclusive released to date. With a game like this the future for Sony is looking promising. With studios like Santa Monica pushing the envelope who knows what will be next. God of War is a true masterpiece and is journey you won’t want to miss. God of War will have you gripping your controller at every moment as the story really does immerse you into the characters and the history behind it. God of War is a must have for fans of the series as you will not regret your purchase!
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I can play games for hours. Cheekz77 is my Gamertag across all accounts. Xbox, PS4, Steam. I play all genres of games. mainstream games, exclusives and indies. I wont shy away from pixels. Needs competition? or Coop partner? Give me a shout.

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