Guerrilla Games Studio posts potential job listing for Horizon Zero Dawn 2

Guerrilla Games Studio posts potential job listing for Horizon Zero Dawn 2


Horizon Zero Dawn, PS4, 2017

With the indisputable success of Horizon Zero Dawn, it wouldn’t surprise many to assume a sequel would be on the way. Most of us know however that just because the “if” seems inevitable, it’s the “when” that fuels our desires. So when the Amsterdam based Guerrilla Games posts a recent vacancy for a “Technical Vegetation Artist”, wheels begin to turn, and valid guesstimates of a potential PS5 release take hold. Guerrilla Games have stated in the past that a whole of developers take on the mighty task of vegetation world building, and those who have played Horizon Zero Dawn only need to remember those lush botanical wild lands to discern such truth. The posting for a Technical Vegetation Artist potentially for Horizon Zero Dawn 2, comes recently after another posting for a Principal Animator for Living World, which others have clarified is a big hint that the PS5 and all it’s wonderful power will be put to good use. We can only hope that Sony will update us soon on these rumors soon, and though they might be groundless and untrue, with enough support and attention from Horizon Zero Dawn’s fans, we could make it a reality. Stay tuned for more updates on HZD2. We will pay much closer attention as of now.
About author

James Sullivan

When I was young, I never imagined that my love for reading, writing and video games could so easily coalesce into such an interesting and unique profession. Come find me on steam @Coke581, or on Origin, where I primarily play Apex and BF4/5 @S0ape.

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