Lovely Planet Arcade – Review

Lovely Planet Arcade – Review

What a strange game. On the one hand the graphics are simplistic at best, the sound and music is pretty basic, and the gameplay at first glance is mindless with short levels. Once you get past that however you begin to realize that there is something more to this game that just might have some real value.

Green snowmen in hats?

There’s no story line that I’ve noticed to summarize for you but the point of the levels seems to be to run around and kill the enemies hiding throughout and get to the exit point. They will be hidden around corners and some of them are armed and one shot of anything will kill you. The main goal is to ultimately get the best time you can on each run while learning to optimize your path and shooting. The fun and difficulty comes as you progress and additional challenges are added to the run. Avoid getting shot, shoot the bombs before the hit the ground, pick up the coins, navigate through dense fog, and more are added as you get further into the game.

Pretty sure I lost here.

Graphically this game has nothing really special about it. There are no textures, the enemies are two green balls with purple hats on, your weapon is a grey tube, and the buildings are brown boxes. All with a Japanese feel to it as much as that can be conveyed with the simple look. It almost feels more like something I would expect from the early days of 3d gaming on ps1. However as simple as the imagery is it really allows you to focus on the game and pushing for the good times as you don’t have flashy backgrounds distracting you from progressing. The sound is much like the graphics in its simplicity. There are simple pops when you fire your gun and a few other sounds scattered throughout the game. The music is forgettable and honestly I rather turn all the sound off but that may be more personal a choice.

I’m really not sure what’s with all the hearts everywhere.

With all the what seems like hate I’m piling on this game I do need to say this game is actually fun. You can make a run through and be so close to getting that next star you want to go back and do it again. Finding a good path through the area, that enemy you missed, or figuring out the order to shoot a room full of threats is actually enjoyable. The basic fps controls are responsive and I never felt that it was anything other than my fault when I did fail. The difficulty of the levels ramps up rather slowly so I never felt like a level was impossible to complete and the fact that they are short enough to pick up and play a handful made me enjoy this title. For those that love to max out all the stars, going back to shave those 10ths of seconds off your time will drive you to keep playing this game.
About author


Xbox gamer that is fond of single-player adventure titles but love the older classics the most. I think I hold the world record for most amount of people simultaneously mad at me during a game of Mario Party 2.

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