Miyamoto Finally Reacts!

Miyamoto Finally Reacts!

Shigeru Miyamoto has always appreciated Disney’s work and surprisingly have said that Mario Bros had inspiration from Mickey Mouse and Disney. So when Disney released a Mickey Mouse Short, many fans wanted to know what would be Miyamoto’s reaction. The cartoon clip was released 3 years ago and Mr Miyamoto has finally seen it and his reaction was some-what in the middle of things. Mickey Mouse short named as “Tokyo Go” has a very small Mario homage in it and from the looks of it, seems like Disney handled it with care. The full short is very well directed and shows the joys of Disney and their icon Mickey Mouse. After showing Mr. Miyamoto the video, he responded, “Is copyright an issue for them to use our sounds? [Laughs] It’s very flattering. We finally got a cameo together.” Yup, that is all he had to say.
Disney should watch their backs. Anything is possible from Nintendo's end.

Disney should watch their backs. Anything is possible from Nintendo’s end.

My take on it? I have read quite a few interviews of Mr Miyamoto and yes I agree he has created one of the best gaming icons and great systems and controllers but all this has also gotten into his head as well. The guy clearly thinks a lot of himself and yes he should but I prefer a person being humble and down to earth. Couple of years ago when Insomniac’s Creative Director Ted Price mentioned that their lovable characters Ratchet and Clank are inspired by Super Mario and are also considered his competition, Miyamoto said to that “What is Ratchet and Clank”, yes being very ignorant towards its competition and not only that but towards their fans.
Insomniac was flattered by Mario Galaxy and Miyamoto acted as if they don't even exist.

Insomniac was flattered by Mario Galaxy and Miyamoto acted as if they don’t even exist.

I am surprised Miyamoto hasn’t called his lawyer already to bring Disney in the court to get some extra cash that they can invest towards their new mystery, already powerless system Nintendo NX.
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Video Games Fanatic. I bleed polygons, that is all you need to know.

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