PC Gaming’s Hottest Summer Sales

PC Gaming’s Hottest Summer Sales

With the year flying by faster than Tracer on a kill streak; lets slow down and take a look at what summer deals we can take advantage of! If you PC game then you will know that we are slowly leaving the era of tactile gaming. By that I mean being able to go into a store and pick up a physical copy of the game you want. I’ve gone from places like GameStop and Bestbuy, searching for select titles to add to my shelf. More commonly I was met with little or no success but one time I went into a store and was told the most profound truth or at least the truth as he saw it. “PC gamers don’t buy physical copies anymore, everyone does digital downloads” Now I am not unfamiliar with digital downloading by any means. I’ve used multiple services for multiple games and I’ve never been ripped off or taken advantage of (besides paying for DLC that was priced to high). I mention the above simply because if you PC game, you might not know the amazing deals out there that you can take advantage of. By using any of the following platforms you can just purchase games through the application: • Steam • Origin • Ubi-Soft • Blizzard • Windows Xbox app And those applications do offer the occasional deal here and there and the convience and reassurance of purchasing from a big name is comforting. However this is not the best means of utilizing deals. I would say (or at least in my world) there has been a new assurance in the game buying industry and that is websites. Yes that’s quite simple, websites, I’ve used two sites (which I will mention) that offer games at a discount (new titles), old titles at a significant discount, and bundles. GreenmanGaming (15% off select titles, 44% off loot boxes) and BundleStars (90% off select titles and bundles) are now offering their summer sales on games new and old as well as bundles for AAA titles and indie titles as well. Do yourself the favor, if you are interested in picking up a title to play for a cheaper price. Check out • https://www.greenmangaming.com/ • https://www.bundlestars.com/en/
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"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."

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