It’s been going on since the dawn of time and will never go away. Sex Sex Sex!!! In video games it’s not any different either. If you asked 100 men or women if looking at half-naked video game characters would peak their interest everyone would answer yes! We have countless examples of how strong sex is in the gaming industry just look at games such Dead or Alive where you have half-naked girls running around with their massive guns bouncing around! I’ll even admit that’s the only reason why I play those games, oh and the wonderful graphics of the fighting stages.   [embedyt][/embedyt]     One of the most recognizable female characters in the video game world is Lara Croft. I must admit she is a pretty bad ass character and I love the games but I can still remember playing those games when I was teenager and all I wanted to do was stare at her pointy rockets!
boobs   Why wouldn’t I. I was a horny teenager and all I thought about was two things boobs and video games. So what makes kids these days any different, well it fucking doesn’t! they are horny little teens trying to get whatever kinda action they can get.     The game Overwatch was searched over 800,000 times on porn hub after it’s release and beleave it or not, even Pokemon porn gets searched all the time. Pretty messed up to me but hey to each their own right? Don’t forget about the sexy fighters in Mortal Kombat either. That game is packed with some pretty sexy but brutal characters. My all time favorite character would have to be my first love in video games. Cammy from Street Fighter!!! just wanted to get that one out!   booobs   Video game developers know what they are doing when they put sex in their games because they know all those horny young boys or girls will be all over it and that will boost sales! can you blame them though. I would do the same thing as long as it’s putting dollars in my pocket and getting my game out their for people to enjoy in more ways than one.   my take on it is that sex will always sell and with all these horny gamers out their you will always see sex in video games all the time! For all those old school gamers reading this don’t deny it you still like to see a little ass and titty in your games from time to time. WHO DOESN’T 🙂   lara   Cheers Folks!!                
About author

James Gravalos

I have been a gamer all my life and sharing my insights and opinions on the industry I love the most is something I am very passionate about. Old school gamer at heart but can't wait for what the future of gaming will evolve into. Cheers Folks!


  • That Man over There says:

    … because sex always sells?

    Why NOT in video games?

    Why in other media?

  • hvd2222 says:

    because gamers are mostly adults The average age of someone who plays games is 31 years old. In fact, more gamers are over the age of 36 than between the ages of 18 to 35 or under the age of 18. They are also mostly men, but by a slimming margin. Men make up 52 percent. From 2012 to 2013, the number of women gamers over the age of 50 grew by 32 percent.

    the breakdown is 18 and under some console gamers but mostly hand held pc gamers are at that collage level of age 18-28,29-40 are console gamers.i still find it funny that more adults are console gamers.take a look at thes pc gamers like overwatch and black desert online.because of the age group they target that type of style of sexism..its not on console as much as pc.console is mostly about AAA titles and exclusives.pc is about esports.

    they want that collage kid byuing a $400 knife from cs go.console gamers just want their AAA and cod…lol

  • JROCK says:

    thanks for the comment. now go buy a $400 knife! lol. How crazy are kids these days spending that kinda money. first off. where do they get it!! lol