A Deeper Look – Is gaming more than just entertainment?

A Deeper Look – Is gaming more than just entertainment?

    2020 so far has been a weird one from continued fears of Global Warming, and bloody riots in Hong Kong. Not long after a pandemic that has now threaten everyday life leaving some countries at a standstill and others doing everything possible to help in efforts against this worldwide virus. Much of the world is placed under lockdown with many words thrown around to describe our new directives put in place by our governments. The latter portion of the year thus far has been spent indoors away from our families and friends and possibly all social face to face interactions. those that need social interaction to recharge their batteries seem to have the most difficulty with our new way of life. However, there is another group of people who enjoy staying in at home and have no issue with being cooped up for hours with no end. Those individuals are the types to find solace in getting lost in a new book, binge-watching the latest Netflix series. Or watching random cat videos on YouTube, amongst a lot of other activities. Then there are the girls and boys that have a controller in hand, whatever snacks and beverage of choice, and logging in hours upon hours in video games. Let us go back a few years when gaming was in its infancy. New worlds and pixels being created no faster than they can be dreamt up. arcades were all the rage, with a new machine or game filling every possible inch of space to provide endless amounts of fun and entertainment. I’m sure the older generations, the pioneers of gaming, can attest to the extreme joys of meeting all your friends each weekend to beat each other’s high scores strictly for bragging rights and all this can be had for as many quarters you could fit in your pockets. Fast forward about 20 years or so. Gaming has now begun pushing new limits with what could be done with each previous title. Now with bigger worlds, better graphics, true to life audio, and complex physics engines, not to forget the storytelling aspect that drives many of the most amazing games, and with the advent of the internet closing the gaps between different parts of the world. Not only can you play with your friends, but also with other people that share the same interest with you from around the world and all this can be done from the comfort of your bedroom. Soon after arrived competitive gaming. Where gamer was put up against gamer in a show of skill and strategy. This led to what I like to call “The Great War on Violence in Video Games”, A lot of opposition coming from parents; however, another group will say otherwise. On both sides having completely different views on this topic. For now, we won’t be going in-depth here. Yes, it is true that in a competitive setting we tend to say some dumb stuff in the heat of the moment, but rarely do we ever act on the things we say. In my opinion, the added environment of not having the other kid in front of us, giving a sense of anonymity resulting in the lack of accountability. In the world of all things competitive, some would say it’s just the nature of the beast. All this common knowledge. Countless articles paint gaming in a bad light. Some even starting how it is no more than just a form of entertainment. Many parents saying what a huge waste of time gaming can be when their children can be doing more productive things in life and being a “normal” member of society. I know it seems as though I have been on some kind of rant, continuously saying how bad things are. Now that we have all the obvious housekeeping out of the way. Let us take a deeper look, and answer the question. Is gaming more than just entertainment. When you look past the above mentioned you start to notice a vast unique range of games and types of communities that make up the entirety of gaming. Where if there is a specific something that you are looking for you will more than likely find it. From Role-Playing servers on Grand Theft Auto 5 that mimic real-life scenarios such as a paramedic to being a millionaire. the possibilities are endless. To building in Minecraft where new projects being planned every day. In addition to games that challenge players to think creatively and critically in situations and scenarios, anyone would otherwise experience in everyday life. A lot of said games even go as far as promoting skills like teamwork and leadership just to name a couple. Yes, it is true games are a form of entertainment. that’s probably a simple way to put it. With the introduction of other social platforms of expression. Like, YouTube and twitch this gave way to a new type of entertainer and personalities that dedicate their lives to perfect and hone their craft and share the passion for gaming. Where viewership flock by the thousands and some by the millions with many of said personalities making a great living playing video games and sharing these moments with everyone that has an internet connection. more on connections later, pay attention this could be on the test at the end. Going back to competitive gaming for a sec. There are also huge arenas that host gaming tournaments that always sellout with audiences going into the thousands. Can someone show me another sports game that sells out consistently? I’ll wait. Esports is by far the fastest-growing form of gaming/sporting events. In 2018 Esports as a whole earning close to about 865 Million U.S Dollars. Just last year in 2019 Esports has topped 1 Billion in revenue. with players and teams breaking and setting records every year.  Now its time to speak on the unsung aspect of gaming the everyday gamer like you and me. The gamer that plays for the fun, the experience and just the straight-up passion. With all the ingredients such as the platforms whether you’re on console or PC. We’re all the same here. We all share the same love. Some have taken that love to new heights, but one of the most important reasons; Are the people we’ve met along the way in our journey, the connections we formed and the friends we have and continue to stay in touch with. Although some of our friends are on the other end of the country or world. I can say how gaming has played a huge role in the path I’ve taken in life, being able to pursue my passion and share it with everyone. Not only that but I would’ve never met the love of my life if it wasn’t for gaming. In closing, gaming is so much more than just a form of entertainment. It’s the developers that work down to the bone to get their creations released into the wild with communities and countless gamers get to experience. It’s the titles that give us goosebumps every time we step into the ever-expanding landscapes in search of the unknown. Its the edge of the seat plays of our favourite pro gamers, putting rounds into the other guy. It’s all the connections and friends made along the way. Finally, it’s the way we are granted the freedom and tools to express ourselves the way we want. The truth about gaming is, gaming is a way of life. A way to develop and challenge yourself in an ever-changing world. Tell us how gaming has affected your life and what it means to you in the comments. we’re always excited to hear from you.  I’m Terry and this was my TedTalk.  
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i play games sometimes

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