Cosplayer’s Of Anime North – Day One Wrap Up!

Cosplayer’s Of Anime North – Day One Wrap Up!

Hello Everyone! Anime North has come and gone but day one was off to a great start! As usual, or at least for me, the focus point is the cosplayer’s; these people put so much time and effort (in my opinion courage) to create and dress in these wonderful costumes. Friday at Anime North was a very hot day but a lot of people seem to be out with a smile on their face (and ice water in their veins) but were very happy to strike a pose for the cameras and enjoy the event as well. For us, we must of walked the grounds of The Toronto Congress Center two dozen times, trying to capture the moment. For those that were there, we hope you enjoyed yourselves and for those of you that missed it, please check out some of our favorite cosplayer’s from day one
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"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."

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