Jade Raymond Announces New Independent Studio and IP for PlayStation

Jade Raymond Announces New Independent Studio and IP for PlayStation


Earlier today, Jade Raymond announced the formation of a new independent development studio via the PlayStation Blog, along with a new IP for the platform.

Before this announcement, Raymond had gone silent after leaving one of Google Stadia’s development teams to pursue new endeavours only a few months ago. Now we know what that future project was, and it is called Haven Studios. The blog post does not indicate many details of what players can expect from this new studio, but promises to deliver a team and product build on the foundation of passion for this industry.

Raymond, who served as producer on titles such as Assassin’s Creed and Assassin’s Creed 2, spends the majority of the post highlighting why she plays and makes games. For her, it is ultimately the joy it brings anyone who interacts with them. This is what drives her passion to continue on in the industry and lead this new studio.

As of right now, the Haven Studios website supports only a placeholder image, promising more details to come. As more information is released, NXL has got you covered!

About author

Daniel Pereira

From a young age I've loved video games and the power they possess in bringing different kinds of people together. I have forged many good friendships through this medium that would not exist without it. I love experiencing a new genre for the first time and finding out it resonates with me. Also, Conker's Bad Fur Day is one of the greatest games of all time. Fight me.

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