Trials Taken Offline By Bungie, Again

Trials Taken Offline By Bungie, Again


Another week, and another Trials of Osiris hiatus. 

Earlier today, Bungie announced via Twitter that Trials of Osiris has been taken offline, again, shortly after returning this weekend from a two week absence. 

For the unaware, Trials was taken offline two weeks ago due to a win trading scheme that was making the rounds, involving the Hakke emblem. Without getting into too many details, it was possible to go flawless on all seven games without even landing a kill. All you needed was to be matched up against another team using the Hakke emblem, and a cooperating enemy.

After announcing its return this weekend, fans assumed Bungie had solved the issue involving the Hakke win trading. Well it seems not, as, once again, Trials has been taken offline while Bungie searches for a resolution. 

This issue has led to a greater discussion within the community regarding the lengths people will go to just to earn powerful weapons in a game mode that isn’t fun for most of the player-base. The purpose of Trials is to provide a high-skill mode that has top-tier weapon rewards for those who make it to the Lighthouse. When players would rather win trade and hop off the map instead of playing the actual mode, there is something seriously wrong. 

What are your thoughts on the current state of PvP and Trials in Destiny 2? Be sure to follow our socials and join the conversation!

About author

Daniel Pereira

From a young age I've loved video games and the power they possess in bringing different kinds of people together. I have forged many good friendships through this medium that would not exist without it. I love experiencing a new genre for the first time and finding out it resonates with me. Also, Conker's Bad Fur Day is one of the greatest games of all time. Fight me.

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