Life-changing Choices

Life-changing Choices

Over time, when it comes to certain games you need a piece of equipment to run that game. Now the question is, if there is a game that you really want, what platform do you go with? PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo, or PC? Well depending on if you have money or not will answer that question. If you have money, you can obviously buy any of the systems, but for those who only have a specific amount, they will need to check out the options and what all will be needed. PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo are all put together for you and come with a controller and sometimes a game. Easy to get it all together in a nice little package. Adding additional accessories is always fun and can be purchased at any time. Once plugged in and setup on the internet, download any game or app to customize the system. Now this brings me to my next point… PC’s can be built from scratch, purchased fully built, there’s a desktop form and laptop depending on the methods that best fits the gamer. Building a PC can cost lots of money with the parts needed and obviously everyone wants the best parts and most memory they can get. Prebuild ones in some cases can’t be upgraded because everything was preinstalled on it. Especially laptops. Opening those suckers will just void any warranty on them! I’ve had every option over the years and I like having a counsel. It’s easy to transport if needed, I haven’t have anything go too wrong, and if I need something done I normally just look for ways to fix it if it’s not covered by warranty. When I had a PC I had a blast playing games, but it was then that I realized that it can all go up in smoke. Yup… it went that way. One say it started to smoke and in the end it was fully fried. I really want a gaming laptop because that would be the ultimate way to play. Easy transportation, USB connections, and hook up to WIFI easily. Let me know what kind of games you play, and what kind of platform you play on, and what you want to play on!   Keep on gaming!
About author


Just a normal guy who enjoys life, games, and food!

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