Reasons for Gaming

Reasons for Gaming

Since the original Nintendo all the way to current gaming systems, I have been playing games for fun and entertainment. It didn’t matter if I was playing solo or with friends, I always had fun and enjoyed the distraction that was right in front of me. When I was playing the other day I started thinking to myself “Why do I play these games?” I put the controller down and started jotting down notes as to why I think I play them. After much thinking and reading over my notes, I came to a couple main conclusions. Playing games is mostly for entertainment purposes but there’s sometimes other reasons. I personally play it because it’s a way to explore things, or pretend to be someone I’m not. An example off the top of my head is when you reach a boss that is so hard to beat that you get angry and maybe throw the controller. Well to me that makes me picture if I was the character. Losing an endless battle never makes anyone feel good, gets frustrating, and just want to give up.

(Devil May Cry)

With perseverance, you keep battling until you beat the boss. Learning the patterns and moves that you need to apply and in the end, you say to yourself “FINALLY!” and let out one deep breath. Total emersion into the game puts you into a fantasy world in which it is between you and monsters, mythological creatures, and other people. Another idea I thought of is when you play with friends. High adrenalin, sweaty palms from gripping the controller too tight, and lots of trash talk. It’s a blast to play with friends, whether it is online or going old school and playing split screen. It’s a competition and there must be a winner in the end, and of course that comes with bragging rights. Two good games that mostly everyone has played is PUBG of course, and N64’s Golden Eye. Getting into the game so much that nothing else around you exists except for tracking down your friends and having fun. It’s an escape from reality and putting real life on the back burner for a little while. Grab the gear and the need to survive. Heal yourself when you can and take out the competition. I thought about this and when I go out into the real world and meet my friends for something fun. Like paintball, or arrow tag. It’s the same feelings that you get in games, but it’s more of a tiring toll on the body, but is an escape from the real world. Doing something that won’t hurt someone… too much, and just having fun. I’m not going to go into full detail on all my thoughts, but those were the two main ones that stuck out. Let me know the reason you play video games. I’d really like to hear why.   Keep gaming everyone!
About author


Just a normal guy who enjoys life, games, and food!

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