The Division Survival DLC Review

The Division Survival DLC Review

The Division’s new DLC mode survival is something you should not pass up if you own The Division. You can access this mode via season’s pass or just buy it flat-out for $14.99. Like the Underground DLC you will need to head to your terminal in the base of operations and access this mode. You can play PVP or PVE in this mode. Trust me it’s better to team up with some friends to tackle this crazy game mode Survival starts off with a mini cut scene where your plane goes down and you are basically left with no gear at all. Every player on the map starts with the same gear so it’s very even. You have an infection and you are slowing dying and not to mention you are freezing your ass off because you have nothing but a flimsy hazmat suit on. [embedyt][/embedyt] The object of Survival is clear STAY ALIVE! you need to look at every corner, every back to scavenge loot to help keep your character alive. The weather is fucking brutal! you will see your health slowly going down because you are freezing. Throughout the map you will find barrels with fire or you can even start your own if you can to help keep warm. There will be building along the way that you can run in to keep you warm as well. All clothing loot will have a cold rating. The higher the cold rating the better that way you can last longer in between scavenge runs without having to warm up your body. So always equip your latest warm clothing once you get it! The infection you have is slowly killing you off. Make sure you have pain killers and meds to help prolong yourself from kicking the bucket in the frost snow. Also you will be prompt to eat and hydrate yourself as well. This is what I love about the mode. You need to adapt your gameplay style and make sure you work together as a team to help keep everyone alive. Crafting better weapons and gear will help along the way as you make your journey to the DZ to get those antivirals. Make sure you are properly geared up with your crew and GET READY!!! Helpful tip, make sure you craft a flare to call in the chopper to extract! Image result for The Division Survival
The DZ is a whole new beast once you’re in there. Packed with your typical named bosses and other gold enemies it gets even tougher once your try to extract. The new enemies called the HUNTERS are fucking insane! the second you crack the flare off you are swarmed by a few of these hunters who are constantly reviving themselves which makes it tough to take them out quickly. Not to mention your gear isn’t the greatest. It took us a few tries but we were finally able to extract with less the a few minutes for all of us to survive because of that infection that has been plaguing you since Survival starts. The Loot rewards are fantastic in Survival and is more or less based on your gameplay. You will receive sealed cache’s to open up after completed which are packed with great gear that can carry over to your main character game. Survival is a fantastic added mode and is very challenging to play. The elements of survival really test your team work skills and your will to survive. This is a must play for any fan of The Division and for new comers as well. let us know your thoughts on this new DLC if you like it or not! Cheers Folks!!        
About author

James Gravalos

I have been a gamer all my life and sharing my insights and opinions on the industry I love the most is something I am very passionate about. Old school gamer at heart but can't wait for what the future of gaming will evolve into. Cheers Folks!


  • Nick says:

    I played this game when it came out, really enjoyed it but i moved on quickly and never really played the DZ. Is this dlc worth bringing me back ?

    • JRock says:

      Hey Nick,
      I was a die hard Division fan when it first came out and like yourself I did get bored quickly after the first few updates. I still enjoy the game and played from time to time. As soon as this DLC came out I was really interested in Survival and how you have to gather supplies to keep warm and keep your energy up while watching out for NPC’S and other Human Players. It is a very exciting mode and has actually brought me back to playing The Division again. It is fun on your own and every more fun when in a group of 4. It’s worth a shot if you still wonder how the game plays. The new patch as well has made it a fair playing field in the DZ as well.