The ROCCAT Elo X Stereo Headset Succeeds Without Breaking The Bank

The ROCCAT Elo X Stereo Headset Succeeds Without Breaking The Bank

With the ever-growing rise of online gaming and mainstream gaming as a whole, a good headset will sooner or later find itself in every player’s setup. For years now, Turtle Beach has remained a household staple for both budget and high-end headset gaming. With its recent acquisition of ROCCAT, a Germany-based PC accessory company, Turtle Beach has found a partner to mix award winning design with unrivaled sound quality. 


As with most gaming headsets, plastic and aluminum is the name of the game. The ROCCAT Elo X features a mostly hard plastic exterior that maintains the lightweight feel that a gaming headset should have. This allows for the headset to feel comfortable for longer gaming sessions while not being bogged down by heavier material. Each ear cup can swivel to create a better fit on various head types, additionally allowing easy storage as the headset can fit into tighter spaces once laid flat.  On the top of the headset, there is a metal band that allows for more durability and elasticity. Underneath the metal band is a cloth/pleather band that rests on the crown of your head, creating a feather-like presence. This dual band feature creates a more solid feeling headset and quality product, especially when considering the manufacturer suggested retail price (MSRP) of $49.99.  The Elo X Stereo headset is wired to the gaming controller, which comes with its own litany of positives and negatives. Obviously, being tethered to a controller in 2020 can feel a little dated, however wired headsets have their own benefits. For starters, there is no battery to charge, meaning playtime is guaranteed, every time. Additionally, with the absence of a built-in battery, there is no faint buzz in each ear as the battery runs.  Another selling feature of the Elo X is its versatility to be used on every console, as well as for mobile devices. The microphone can be detached if desired, and it can be physically manipulated to be placed at any comfort level while in use. When playing with friends or chatting over a game, the mute button is perfectly placed behind the microphone on the headset for easy access. The mute button has a tactile feel that is satisfying to use and makes toggling on and off easier than just unplugging the headset. 


There are two primary factors that are considered when making a gaming headset purchase: comfort and sound. Although priced on the lower end compared to most headsets, the Elo X Stereo excels in the comfort category. By utilizing the features mentioned above, ROCCAT has nearly perfected the gaming headset build to prioritize comfort for the player.  The earcups are coated with a soft, foam-like pleather that fits comfortably over the ear. Elongated gaming sessions usually tend to require headset adjustment to maintain comfort, however the Elo X did not seem to share this problem, as once they are on, it is easy to forget they are there. This feeling is aided by the multi-band build that connects each earcup together. From the soft earcups, to the multi-layered headbands, wearing the Elo X will change the mind of many players who may still be disinterested in over-ear headphones. There are obvious areas where improvements can be made, however ROCCAT should be praised in its ability to cut back on costs and make this headset more affordable for the average gamer. 


Despite the stellar build of the ROCCAT Elo X, the sound department is where the cutbacks are most noticeable. This is in no way to say the sound quality is bad, just not exceptional. The issue is that there is nothing outstanding about the sound when compared to the rest of the headset. Even though ROCCAT has made one of the most solid headsets for its price, do not expect high priced sound quality. The sound range in the Elo X is average at best, with the ability to sometimes surprise users with how much audio range can be captured. The best way to describe the Elo X is that it is a Jack of all trades, master of none. You will not be able to hear footsteps from a mile away like higher end headsets, but what the Elo X provides is honestly perfect for the average gamer. The issues with the sound quality become more noticeable when the volume is turned up. At higher volumes, the sound can begin to crackle when there is a lot of bass or explosions. The distortion of sound can take away some of the enjoyment of what is being played, but thankfully this issue is rectified by lowering the volume a few tiny notches.  The microphone on the Elo X feels well put together and provides clear audio when speaking into it. Once again, ROCCAT has found a way to keep the cost down while providing a microphone that does not echo when used, or sound hollow on the receiving end. Everyone can have a personal preference for how a mic should sound, ranging from adding a radio effect to softening the pitch, however none can argue against a clear mic. You will not find a studio quality microphone in the Elo X, however for the asking price, the one provided is surprisingly good. 


Overall, ROCCAT has done a fantastic job of providing a solid entry level headset for consumers. By prioritizing build quality, the ROCCAT ensures that those who purchase the Elo X will not need any other headset for an exceptionally long time. While the sound quality has areas of improvement, What is on display with the Elo X is good for the average gamer who does not necessarily care about the exaggerated highs, as well as the fancy bells and whistles of other headset’s enhanced hearing capabilities.  Although the Elo X is the low-end model of their new line of headsets, it is nonetheless a fantastic entry point for a great starting price. Be sure to check out our thoughts on the higher model, the ROCCAT Elo X 7.1 Surround Sound!
About author

Daniel Pereira

From a young age I've loved video games and the power they possess in bringing different kinds of people together. I have forged many good friendships through this medium that would not exist without it. I love experiencing a new genre for the first time and finding out it resonates with me. Also, Conker's Bad Fur Day is one of the greatest games of all time. Fight me.

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